Slovenský klub švajčiarskych salašníckych psov



F.C.I. Standard No. 47 / 28.06.2002/



USES: Herding, guarding, domestic and farm dog. Today also a versatile working dog and a nice family dog.

FCI RESERVATION: Group II: Pinschers and Beardies, Molossi, Swiss Mountain Dogs and other breeds, Section 3 Swiss Mountain Dogs. Without a working test.

The “Entlebucher” is the smallest of the four Swiss Shepherd Dogs. It comes from Entlebuch, a valley in the canton of Lucerne and Bern. The first description under the name “Entlibucher dog” dates back to 1889, but for a long time afterwards the Appenzell and Entlebucher shepherd dogs were not distinguished from each other. In 1913, four specimens of this small shepherd dog with a keeled tail were shown at a dog show in Langenthal to Prof. Heim, a great admirer of Swiss Shepherd Dogs. Based on the evaluations, these dogs were as the fourth breed of Swiss Sal. dogs registered in the Swiss Stud Book of the SHSB. However, the first standard was not completed until 1927. After 28. In August 1926, when on the initiative of Dr. B. Kobler the Swiss Club for Entlebuch Shepherd Dogs was founded, the breed was promoted and the purebred was further bred. As the tiny number of entries in the SHSB showed, the breed developed slowly. The entlebuch sal has gained a new momentum. dog, when, in spite of his inherited qualities as a lively, tireless herding dog, his extraordinary suitability as a working and companion dog was discovered. Today, despite its still modest condition, this attractive tri-coloured dog is gaining more and more popularity as a family dog.

Close to medium height, compactly built dog of slightly elongated frame. Tricolour like all Swiss Mountain Dogs, very mobile and agile. Alert, clever and friendly facial expression.

IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS:Ratio height at withers : length of body = 8 : 10Ratio length of muzzle : length of skull = 9 : 10

Lively, lively, confident and fearless, he is good-natured and affectionate to people he knows, slightly distrustful of strangers. An incorruptible guardian; friendly, teachable.

In harmonious proportion to body, slightly wedge-shaped, dry; longitudinal axes of nose and vertex more or less parallel.

UPPER HEAD:Skull: rather flat, relatively broad, widest at the point of ear set, tapering slightly towards the nose. Occipital bump faintly visible. Median groove weakly marked.Stop: Poorly developed.

COVER PART:Snout: black, slightly protruding in front of the anterior arch of the lips: Thick, well-modelled, distinctly separated from forehead and cheeks, evenly tapering but not pointed; slightly shorter than distance from stop to occipital bump. Back of nose is straight.Cheeks: poorly developed.Lips: poorly developed, adjacent to jaw, black pigmented.Jaw, teeth: Strong, regular and complete scissor bite. Tongue bite is tolerated. Missing 1 to 2 PM1 (premolars 1) is tolerated. M3 (molars 3) is not considered.Eyes: Relatively small, round, dark brown to hazel. Expression: lively, friendly, attentive. Eyelids well closed, rim black pigmented.Ears: Not too large, set high and relatively wide; firm, well-developed ear cartilage; auricles drooping, triangular, rounded at the end; flat-fitting at rest; slightly raised and forward when standing at the root.

Medium-long, strong, dry, flowing into the hull without change.

Strong, slightly elongated.

Straight, firm and wide; rather long.

Strong, flexible, not too short.

Slightly shrunken, relatively long.

Wide, deep, reaching up to the elbows. Forethorax distinct; ribs slightly arched; thorax longitudinal, of circular-oval cross-section.

Bottom line and abdomen:
Slightly drawn in.

TAIL:The natural tail is a continuation of the slightly contracted croup.Dwarf tail

A naturally long tail and a stubby tail are equivalent.

Heavily muscled, but not too heavy. The limbs are set neither too narrow nor too wide; short, stocky, straight, parallel and well set under the body.

Shoulder: muscular; shoulder blade long, sloping and well fitted to the body.Shoulder: as long as, or only slightly shorter than, the shoulder blade. Angle to shoulder blade about 110°-120°.Shoulder: Well fitting.Forearm: Relatively short, straight, of sufficient bone strength, dry.Thumb: Forms a straight continuation of the forearm when viewed from the front, only slightly angled when viewed from the side; relatively short.

Well muscled. When viewed from behind, they are not too narrow, straight and parallel: Fairly long, forming a fairly wide angle at the knee with the calf.Calf: Almost as long as the thigh, dry.Heel joint: Strong, relatively low set, well angulated.Forehead: Relatively short, robust, upright and parallel. Wolf claws must be removed, except in those countries where the removal of wolf claws is prohibited by law.

Round, with closely fitting fingers, pointing straight ahead. Claws short and strong; pads strong and robust.

Territorial, free, easy movement with strong rearward displacement; limbs move in a straight line when viewed from both front and rear.

Rough coat (double coat). Cover coat short, close fitting, hard and glossy. Thick undercoat. Slightly wavy hair on withers and/or back tolerated but undesirable.

Typical tricolour. Base colour black with yellow to reddish-brown tan markings, which should be as symmetrical as possible. Burning is found above the eyes, on the cheeks, on the muzzle and throat, on the sides of the chest and on all four limbs. On the extremities, the burning is between black and white.

White markings:adistinct narrow white hairline that extends unbroken from the top of the head across the back of the nose and may partially or completely cover the lips.white from the chin extending unbroken across the throat to the chest.white on all four paws.on the long tail there is a desirable white tip.

Tap heightPsi: 44 – 50 cm, tolerance up to 52 cmSuky: 42 – 48 cm, tolerance up to 50 cm.

Any deviation from these points shall be assessed as an error. Its value shall be in proportion to the degree of deviation and having regard to its severity.Lack of typical sexual expressionobviously inharmonioustoo fine or too coarse skeletoninsufficiently muscledrounded skulltoo marked stop-short, too long or pointed muzzle, uneven back of nosevery fine forebitemultiple teeth, more than 2 PM1 (Premolar 1)eye too light, too deep set or convexloose eyelidstoo deep set, too small or too pointed, open, folded too short back, dented or carp-like backrear too flat or barrel-shaped, lack of forechest, tail too flat or barrel-shaped, lack of forechest, tail broken, tail carried over the backinsufficiently angulated limbsbuckled or retracted thoracic limbsweak rump or soft rumpinsufficiently angulated pelvic limbs, cow stance, barrel-shaped stance, narrow stancelabky long, stretchedmovement: short stride, bounding, converging, straddling.

Drawing errors:broken hairlinewhite patch on neck larger than half of palmwhite extending well beyond wrist (boot)white not present on all four limbscontiguous white collar around entire neck ( serious fault)broken white on chest (serious fault)limbs : absence of tan between white and black (serious fault)absence of white on head = totally black head (very serious fault)insecure behaviour, absence of liveliness, aggressiveness

EXCLUDING DEFECTS:fearfulness or aggressivenessunderbite, pronounced overbite or crossbite.entropium , ectropiumyellow predator eyes, birch eyes, blue eyescircular tailtoo long, soft coat (no double coat)colouring defectsother than tri-colour colouringother than tri-colour base colour than blackdarkness out of tolerance


Dogs must have two apparently normally developed testicles that are descended into the scrotum.