Slovenský klub švajčiarskych salašníckych psov

Ascent to Sitno

Home > Klubové akcie > Ascent to Sitno

Date: 19.04.2025

Parking at Sitno, coordinates 48.401 5119 N, 18.902 7592 E.

A more detailed description of the route is HERE.

We have chosen for you the most suitable place accessible by car.

Various routes lead to Sitno either from Počúvadl or from Banská Štiavnica.

We will be ordering a joint goulash at Chata Andrej Kmeť, so we would like to know the approximate number of participants. If you decide to participate, send an SMS to no. 0905 553 889 (club president) in the form name – number of people – number of dogs, e.g. Královic – 2 people – 1 dog.

You can find more information about Mount Sitno at