Slovenský klub švajčiarskych salašníckych psov

Most active breeder – conditions

Home > Most active breeder – conditions

Every year the Slovak Swiss Mountain Dog Club compiles a ranking of the most active breeders, members of ŠKŠSP. The activity of the breeder within Slovakia towards the owners of his offspring is evaluated.

  • The ranking is compiled for each calendar year, points are calculated for the period from 1.1. until 31.12.. The competition shall be evaluated by the SKŠSP Committee based on the data available to the club.
  • The ranking includes breeders /owners of kennels/ who are members of SKŠSP and breed litters according to the breeding conditions of SKŠSP and ÚKK.
  • Material prizes for successful breeders will be purchased from the club’s funds in the value of – for each point awarded 0.50 euros.

Scoring table:

A. for a registered individual from breeding. stations at the exhibition held in Slovakia
(shows with at least CAC SR entry)
+ 1 point
B. for entering an individual from the kennel at a club or special show
+ 5 points
C. for the participation of an individual from the kennel in the SKŠSP+ 10 points
D. for the evaluation of a kennel bred individual for dysplasia
the date of evaluation is decisive
+ 5 points
E. for the participation of a kennel individual at the SKŠSP club camp+ 5 points
F. for obtaining a new member of the club (owner of a dog, coming from a kennel)
the date of sending the application form to the club is decisive
+ 5 points