Slovenský klub švajčiarskych salašníckych psov

Bonitation Regulations

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Bonitation Regulations

Slovak Swiss Mountain Dog Club

( hereinafter referred to as the “JCSP” )

General provisions

Bonitation is the commissioned evaluation and selection of individuals suitable for breeding. The subject of the evaluation is the exterior, character traits and health of the individual. The owner is obliged to prepare his dog for the evaluation. The rating data shall be recorded on the rating card. Successful completion of the evaluation is a basic condition for the inclusion of an individual in the breeding. The total result and the obtained rating code shall be entered on the dog’s pedigree card. The rating card is confirmed by the rating committee with their signatures, the breeding is confirmed in the PP with the signature of the delegated judge.

The bonitation code consists of four parts in the form AAA B CC DDE (AAA – three digits describing size – eye colour – bite, B – letters describing exterior defects, CC – digits describing colouration and character, the last three characters are for the X-ray result DBK – DLK- OCD)

Each individual can only be bonified once in his/her lifetime. Only when the dog is postponed by the rating committee or withdraws (owner’s decision) during the rating, the dog can repeat the rating. In case of failure in the character assessment, the dog may repeat the test once.

In the event of a negative result of the evaluation, the owner of the dog is not entitled to compensation for damages incurred as a result of the negative result. The owner of the dog is responsible for any damage caused by the dog during the evaluation.

Arrangement of rating

The organizer of the bonitation in Slovakia for the breeds Appenzell Mountain Dog (ASP), Bernese Mountain Dog (BSP), Entlebuch Mountain Dog (ESP) and Large Swiss Mountain Dog (LMSD) is the Slovak Club of Swiss Mountain Dogs. The place and date of the rating shall be determined by the SKŠSP Committee. The Chief Breeding Adviser is responsible for the administrative side of the rating.

The application form for rating is sent on request by the Chief Breeding Adviser. The deadline for applications is 2 weeks before the date of the rating.

The application fee must be paid by the closing date. If the rating is repeated due to withdrawal or failure of the character test, the full rating fee for the next rating is payable. When an individual is deferred by the rating committee, the rating fee is not payable.

Conditions for participation in the rating

  • Valid pedigree card issued in accordance with FCI and SKJ regulations.
  • On the day of the evaluation, the minimum age of 18 months for a male and 15 months for a female.
  • If the dog has fulfilled all the conditions for breeding except age, it can participate in the evaluation earlier, but it will become a breeding dog only on the day of reaching the required age.
  • X-ray evaluation for hip and elbow dysplasia. Individuals with X-ray findings in DBK of maximum grade 2 (DBK-A, B and C) and in DLK of maximum grade 1 (DLK-0 and 1) will be included in the breeding, with the proviso that an individual with DBK-C, included in the breeding, may only be used with an individual with DBK-A, and an individual with DLK-1 only with an individual with DLK-0. For the BSP and VŠSP breeds, evaluation for OCD of the shoulder joints is also mandatory, only individuals with negative findings are included in the breeding.
  • For the ESP breed, genetic testing for PRA is mandatory. Individuals with a PRA-B or PRA-C result will only be allowed to be combined with individuals with a PRA-A result. An individual with a PRA-C finding must undergo an ophthalmological examination once a year from the age of 4 years to verify the condition, in case of a negative finding it can continue to work in the breeding, in case of a positive finding it will be removed from the breeding.
  • For the ESP breed, examination for ectopic ureter is mandatory. Only an A or B grade individual will be included in the breeding. For individuals with grade B it is compulsory to mate only with grade A individuals.
  • Completion of two compulsory exhibitions. Shows must be under the auspices of the FCI with CAC, one of which must be a club or special show (can be without CAJC and CAC), organized by SKŠSP, held in Junior, Medium, Open, Working, or Champion classes. At least one of the compulsory shows must be in a medium, open, working or champion class. Shows in the junior and junior class are not counted.
  • The individual must be owned by a member of the SKŠSP, otherwise if the owner of the dog is a non-member of the club, a contract for the provision of breeding service for non-members of the SKŠSP must be concluded before sending the application form.
  • Imported specimens owned by Slovak owners must be registered in the SPKP.

Bonitation Commission

The rating committee is proposed by the committee of the SKŠSP club. It is only appointed on the day of the rating. It shall be composed of at least three members. The chairman of the commission is the judge for exterior, who has an approbation for bonitated breeds, and who must be duly delegated for bonitation by the Slovak Kennel Club. Other members of the committee are usually breeding advisors, or committee members or club members appointed by the committee. The rating board is obliged to enter the result in the rating card. The decision of the rating board is final and cannot be appealed.

Course of rating

Bonitation consists of

  • from the assessment of character, which is evaluated separately by a character test, and also from the observation of the behaviour of the individual throughout the rating. The course of the examination shall be recorded on the “Character Examination” form
  • assessment of the individual’s exterior, including measurement of the necessary measurements and registration of the mandatory medical examinations (evaluation of DBK, DLK and in BSP and VSP also OCD, evaluation of PRA and Ectopic urethra in ESP, evaluation of DM in BSP). Without measurement, an individual cannot pass the rating. A record of the evaluation is made in the form “Bonitation Card”, which includes a detailed and comprehensive evaluation of the exterior in terms of the standard of the breed, the measurements of the dog, the result of X-ray examinations, a note and a recommendation for use in breeding.

Rating result

After an overall evaluation of the individual presented, the committee will award the final score:

Breeding – an individual that meets the requirements of the standard may have some deficiencies, but is without serious defects, has passed the character test and has an acceptable evaluation for dysplasia of the hip, elbow (in the case of BSP and VSP and shoulder) joints, i.e. DBK: A, B, C, DLK: 0 and 1, OCD – negative, an individual of the ESP breed has an evaluated genetic examination PRA and Ectopic ureter, i.e. grade A or B.

Disgusting – an individual who shows gross defects beyond the standard; has significant colour defects; his height does not correspond to the tolerance determined by the standard; has missing teeth except those tolerated by the standard; cryptorchid; is aggressive or fearful; with DBK result worse than C, DLK worse than 1, with OCD – positive finding, with EU worse than B; with character test result “failed”. Also an individual in which the accumulation of exterior and/or character defects or dysplasia results in the individual being unsuitable for breeding.

Resigned – if the owner decides to withdraw from the rating during the rating, before the rating is completed and the final verdict is given.

Adjourned – at the initiative of the evaluation committee, if the dog shows signs of illness, injury, the physical or mental development of the individual is not yet complete, or a defect is suspected that may result in a failure to keep and further professional examination is required.

The breeding life of a dog is unlimited until its death. A bitch’s breeding life ends on the day she reaches eight years of age. The breeding of an individual may be terminated in the event of a higher incidence of genetically determined diseases in the offspring, or in the event of a health threat to the health of the breeding individual. The proposal for termination of breeding shall be submitted with written reasons by the breeding advisor. The final decision to terminate breeding rests with the club committee. The evaluation card and the temperament test shall be written out in duplicate, one copy for the owner of the dog and one copy for the Chief Breeding Advisor.

Final provisions

It is the responsibility of the Chief Breeding Advisor to post the results of the rating on the club’s website. Inclusion of a dog in the register of breeding dogs is made by the SPKP at the request of the owner of the dog, registration of a bitch in the register of breeding dogs is made together with the application of the first litter of the bitch.

In the event of a breach of these rating regulations, an appeal may be made by written complaint to the Club President by registered letter no later than two weeks after the rating has taken place. The President will discuss the complaint with the club committee and give a written response.

Bonitation card

I. Overall appearance:
0 quite atypical
1 too light (setter type)
2 too small
3 standard height but lightweight
4 correct in appearance as regards the solidity and harmoniousness of the body structure,

  • male BSP 64-66 cm, ASP 50-52 cm, ESP 44-46 cm, VSP 65-67 cm
  • female BSP 58-60 cm, ASP 48-50 cm, ESP 42-44 cm, VSP 60-62 cm

5 correct in appearance as regards the solidity and harmoniousness of the physique,

  • male BSP 66-68 cm, ASP 52-56 cm, ESP 46-50 cm, VSP 67-70 cm
  • female BSP 60-63 cm, ASP 50-54 cm, ESP 44-48 cm, VSP 62-66 cm

6 correct in appearance as regards the solidity and harmoniousness of the physique,

  • male BSP 68-70 cm, ASP 56-58 cm, ESP 50-52 cm, VSP 70-72 cm
  • female BSP 63-66 cm, ASP 54-56 cm, ESP 48-50 cm, VSP 66-68 cm

7 standard height, but rough and little harmonic
8 too large
9 too large, lymphatic

II. Eye colour:
0 black
1 black and brown
2 dark brown
3 medium brown
4 reddish brown
5 light brown
6 yellow-brown
7 yellow
8 yellow and white
9 unpigmented iris or other eye colour

III. Tooth:
0 narrow, triangular or strong arc, malposition of spokes
1 oblique jaws, oblique or very irregularly placed incisors
2 underbite
3 light (slight) underbite
4 free scissor bite
5 correct scissor bite
6 tight scissor bite
7 tick bite
8 light (slight) overbite
9 overbite

Missing teeth: missing teeth symbols for the rating code:
i – incisivi – incisors c – canini – canines p – premolars 1 (P1)
r – premolars 2 (P2) s – premolars 3 (P3) t – premolars 4 (P4)
m – molars
If only one of these teeth is missing, only its symbol, i.e. only one letter, is given. When more than one tooth of the same species is missing, first the symbol and then the number of how many of that species are missing

(examples: missing 2 incisors – i2, missing 3 P1 – p3)

A in all positions conforming fully to the standard, or a defect in the defect below which makes it less likely to be used for breeding
B long, narrow head, too light or conical muzzle
C short, disproportionately spacious, heavy muzzle
D shallow, not very pronounced stop, flat part of skull
E stop too deep or steep
F too arched cranial part, protruding, arched cheeks
G lymphatic head, loose skin under the neck, open labia
H defective shape and expression of the eye
I ectropium
J entropy
K long, low-set ear
L light or short, high set ear
M too short neck
N malposition and angulation of the thoracic limbs
O few firm, open or hare paws
P insufficient chest proportions, little forechest
Q too long, soft back
R arched dorsal or lumbar region, rebuilt
Having a short or falling buttocks
T short or deformed tail
U miscarried tail
The malposition of the pelvic limbs
W bad charring of the pelvic limbs
X defective basic colouring – black colour greyish or with a rusty tinge
xX too light burning
Xx blackened, sooty burning
Y coat defects
yY too short hair or lack of undercoat
Yy excessively wavy or curly coat
From wrong moves

V. Layout of white characters
0 black and tan, no white markings
1 missing white marks beyond that allowed by standard, breaks in bib
2 some white markings missing (on legs, tail, forehead only hinted)
3 most features less pronounced (white fingers only, narrower forehead hairline, less on nose, tail, narrow breastplate)
4 typical distribution of white markings, some markings less pronounced or slightly asymmetrical (white fingers only, narrower hairline, less on nose, narrow bib)
5 typical layout of white characters
6 typical distribution of white markings, some markings more pronounced or slightly asymmetrical (sock, wider hairline, more on nose, white at corners, wide bib, more on tail, white under tail, small patch on neck)
7 most features more pronounced, more asymmetry, more white patch on the neck, white at the corner
8 large white marks disturbing the general appearance, collar, half collar, large patch on the neck, boots
9 absent burning, white marks on the limbs and muzzle go straight to black
Indices: p – white bloomed sporadically with small pigm. spotting
r – white bloomed with more numerous pigm. spotting

VI. Nature
1 timid, shy
2 insecure, nervous
3 choleric, aggressive
4 temperamental, easily excitable
5 poised, confident
6 calm but attentive
7 little temperamental
8 phlegmatic
9 completely phlegmatic (dull)

VII. Result of DBK X-ray examination
A 0/0
B 0/1, 1/1
C 0/2, 1/2, 2/2
D 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3
E 0/4, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4

VIII. The result of the X-ray examination of the DLK
0 0/0
1 0/1, 1/1
2 0/2, 1/2, 2/2
3 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3

Dog temperament test

The dog walks on the lead next to the owner
The owner and the dog walk along the marked route, the dog is on a leash. The owner gives the command to sit down, then they continue on their way. The command is repeated 3 times.

  • excellent – the dog walks calmly by the leg, cheerfully responds to the owner’s command, the body position is calm, without tension.
  • sufficiently – the dog tenses the lead, tends to go spontaneously, does not respect the direction given by the owner, the command is obeyed only after repetition or not at all, the body position is tense, but does not show signs of aggression or belligerence.
  • not enough – the dog is jerking on the lead, refuses to obey commands, body position indicates fearfulness ( tail pulled in, ears pricked, crouched) or aggression ( teeth chattering, fur matted, etc.)

The dog is being led by a stranger

The dog is led on a leash along a marked route by a stranger, the dog is supervised by the owner who accompanies the person and talks to him/her.

  • excellent – the dog calmly accompanies the person, in case of restlessness the owner can reprimand the dog, the dog after a short reprimand or scolding continues calmly in the marked route.
  • enough – a dog on a leash follows a person only after repeated admonition, constantly follows the owner, is manageable.
  • not enough – the dog on the lead refuses to follow a stranger, even scolding the owner does not help. Reacts aggressively or fearfully.

The owner leads the dog opposite a stranger
The owner leads the dog directly opposite the stranger, they shake hands, the owner gives the command “sit”, they start a conversation, the stranger gently strokes the dog behind the ears.

  • excellent – the dog follows the conversation attentively, reacts friendly when meeting, enjoys the attention of a stranger. On command, he calmly sits down.
  • enough – the dog is reluctant to go to the person, the command “sit” is obeyed only on repeated command, in the sitting position he shows restlessness, he tends to leave, he does not want to be petted.
  • insufficiently – the dog refuses to go to the person, does not obey the command, refuses contact, wants to run away. Reacts aggressively or fearfully.

A dog and a group of people talking
The owner leads the dog to a group of people talking. They will greet each other on arrival. The owner walks the dog several times between people ( slalom), some people may stroke the dog on the back, behind the ears, on the head. Touches are short and non-violent.

  • excellent – the dog is cheerful, calm, watches his owner carefully, is easy to handle. He responds to contacts cheerfully, calmly, attentively.
  • enough – the dog is controllable only after repeated admonitions of the owner, but the commands are obeyed, he wriggles and turns when touched, they are unpleasant to him.
  • insufficiently – the dog refuses to go to the group, when touched, tears at the leash, is aggressive or fearful.

Dog meets another dog
The dog is led by the owner on a lead, another person with a dog on a lead walks opposite them. When they meet, they greet each other and move on. After walking 20 metres, they both turn around, walk towards each other, greet each other, shake hands and pet the other dog when they meet.

  • excellent – the dog is attentive to the owner, when greeted he is easy to control with a gentle reprimand. On re-encounter, he welcomes the other dog. He shows no signs of aggression or timidity. He is not phlegmatic.
  • sufficiently – the dog follows the owner only after repeated warnings, refuses contact with the other dog, is phlegmatic or, on the contrary, growls, but does not attack.
  • insufficiently – the dog refuses to follow and obey the owner, is aggressive or fearful when meeting another dog. He shows no interest in contact.

A stranger with a dog approaches the abandoned dog
The owner leaves the dog unrestrained and secured by a clip or bar, walks away, and another person approaches the dog with the dog. There will be no contact. The person with the dog calmly walks in front of the deferred dog, without any indication of stopping. The person turns around after a few meters, goes back. As he approaches the dog, he stops and speaks to him, then continues on.

  • excellent – the dog lies calmly, is friendly. He can get up, he wants to get acquainted or play.
  • enough – after being put down the dog is restless, whines, wants to look for the owner. After repeated deferral, the dog calms down. He reacts to the arrival of a stranger in a blunt or dismissive manner.
  • insufficient – the dog is very restless after being put down, refuses to calm down even after repeated putting down. He reacts fearfully to the arrival of a stranger, wants to run away, or on the contrary, he is aggressive, wants to fight with the dog.

Response to visual or auditory stimuli
Reaction to unusual visual or auditory stimuli. The owner with the dog walks with the leash over previously prepared unpleasant terrain, (under the blanket there are crumpled plastic bottles, cones, or a mat, gumolite, or other unpleasant surface is prepared), loud music is heard from the radio, a gunshot (or a dropped pot, bucket, etc.) is heard from a distance.

  • excellent – the dog will walk calmly over the surface with the owner, can sniff him, responds calmly to voice stimuli, in case of excitement he will calm down quickly after the owner has spoken to him.
  • enough – the dog will walk on the surface only after repeated attempts, he reacts uneasily to voice stimuli, he needs to be reprimanded for longer.
  • insufficiently – the dog refuses to go over the surface, reacts to vocal stimuli very restlessly, wants to run away, cannot calm down.

Scoring excellent – 2 points
sufficiently – 1 point
insufficient – 0 points


  • Excellent – minimum 11 points
  • passed – from 6 to 10 points
  • failed – less than 6 points