Slovenský klub švajčiarskych salašníckych psov



Prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára na stránke nám bola doručená žiadosť o vyplnenie dotazníka.

Zverejňujeme pre prípad, že by ste sa chceli zapojiť.

Od: Britt Van der Sijpt

Kontaktné údaje:
Britt Van der Sijpt

Dear team at SKSSP,

I hope you’re well. My name is Britt Van der Sijpt, an animal care student at HoGent in Belgium. I’m conducting a short survey for my bachelor thesis on the prevalence of disorders in Bernese Mountain Dogs ( and seeking your help to share it with your members.

The survey is brief, taking only 8 minutes to complete, and aims to contribute valuable insights for improving health and breeding practices. As a token of gratitude and for mutual benefit, I’ll gladly share the study’s results with your organization afterwards, if you’d like that.

Below, I’ve provided an example post you could share with your audience. If interested, I’m happy to discuss any details or concerns you may have.

Thank you in advance for considering this request!

Have a lovely day,

Britt Van der Sijpt
Agro- and biotechnology student – Animal Care 3E
Department of Biosciences and Industrial Technology


Are you the proud doggy parent of a Bernese Mountain Dog? 


If so, I need your help! I am conducting an important study on the prevalence of disorders in this wonderful breed and your participation can really make a difference.
Get involved by quickly completing my survey:
Want to help but don’t qualify?
– Then be sure to share this post with your network!
– I’m also always looking for associations to distribute the survey!


 For more information about the survey, you may always contact me at