932 01 Veľký Meder, Fučíkova 1554/2
I. Name, registered office, competence, statutory body
Club Name: Slovakian Swiss Mountain Dog Club
Headquarters: 932 01 Veľký Meder, Fučíkova 1554/2
Scope: Slovak Republic
Statutory body: Ing. Tibor Križan, President of the club, authorized to act independently
II. Legal nature and status of the club
Slovak Swiss Mountain Dog Club (hereinafter referred to as “SSSC”):
- It is an association of citizens established under Act No. 83/1990 Coll., on the association of citizens, which brings together breeders, owners, keepers and supporters of the Appenzell Mountain Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Entlebuch Mountain Dog and Large Swiss Mountain Dog ( hereinafter referred to as “Mountain Dogs”)
- SKŠSP has legal personality, can bind itself and acquire rights in its own name.
- SKŠSP is a member of the Slovak Kennel Clubs Union (hereinafter referred to as “UKK”) through the Slovak Kennel Clubs Union (hereinafter referred to as “SKJ”), which is covered by the International Federation of Cynology – FCI.
- It can independently join international cynological organisations under the umbrella of the FCI, its members are free to join all such umbrella clubs.
III. Club mission and objectives
- The mission of the SKŠSP is to ensure the development, breeding, training and promotion of purebred dogs of the breeds Appenzell Mountain Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Entlebuch Mountain Dog and Large Swiss Mountain Dog.
- Provides management and organization of breeding of sled dogs, organization of breeding events, exhibitions, bonitations and other cynological activities, including the support and development of cynological – sporting activities.
- It caters for the social, sporting and canister therapy interests, as well as the hobbies of members and other interested persons, creating conditions for the improvement of their physical and mental health and/or sporting performance.
- Contributes to the protection and creation of a healthy environment, improving the environment for breeding and keeping dogs, promotes ethical standards of dog breeding.
- It promotes and develops the relationship of children and youth with dogs and thus with the environment and its protection.
- It educates its members and the general public in the field, organizes professional lectures, presentations, seminars, leads to the observance of ethical principles in dog breeding.
- In order to achieve its goals it cooperates with other kennel clubs, UKK and SKJ, in its activities it follows the regulations of UKK, SKJ and FCI.
- By agreement, the JCSP may cooperate with other entities and pool its funds with them.
- SKŠSP is authorized to conduct internal publishing and publication activities for club members related to the mission of the club.
IV. Formation and dissolution of the club
- The club was established by registration at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on 18.11.1991 on the basis of the decision of breeders, owners, holders and friends of the breeds of shepherd dogs.
- The Club shall cease to exist if a resolution to that effect is passed at a general meeting by a 3/4 majority vote of all members, by loss of membership, by merger, by a decision of the relevant ministry, or by a decision of a court of law. In the event of voluntary dissolution of the club, the members’ meeting shall elect a liquidation committee to carry out the liquidation and decide on the assets of the club.
- The dissolution of the club must be notified to the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and the umbrella organization within 15 days after the completion of the liquidation.
V. Club Membership
- Membership in the club is voluntary. Members of the club can be owners, breeders or supporters of shepherd dog breeds who are citizens of the Slovak Republic or have permanent residence in the Slovak Republic. Membership is not tied to ownership of one of the shepherd dog breeds.
- The number of club members is not limited.
- Membership in the club may be full, associate and honorary.
- The form of membership can be individual (one person) or family (multiple persons from a common household)
- Club members shall be admitted by written application by the Club Committee. In the event of non-acceptance of a candidate for membership in the club, the non-accepted candidate has the right to appeal to the membership meeting, whose decision is final.
- Foreign nationals and minors between the ages of 15 and 18 may also be members of the Club, but these members do not have the right to vote or to be elected to the Club’s bodies.
- Membership in the SKŠSP is not a prerequisite for owners of breeding stock if they wish to use them for reproduction. However, these must comply with the general conditions of breeding, the mutual relations must be regulated by contract.
- Membership in the Club shall be subject to a one-time enrollment fee and an annual membership fee, the amount of which shall be approved by the membership meeting or the annual membership meeting of the Club.
- The member is obliged to pay the annual membership fee by 28. February of the year in question, in the event of non-payment of the membership fee by that date, the member is obliged to pay the registration fee again. For late membership initiation during the calendar year, the enrollment fee and membership fee shall be due within 15 days of notification of acceptance as a member.
- Associate Membership
- As of 1.1.2018, an interested person can become an associate member by submitting an application form.
- In the transitional period (calendar year 2018), an associate member can become a member of the SKŠSP who has been a valid member of the club for one year in 2017 and pays the membership fee by the due date.
- Admission as an Associate Member shall be decided by the Club Committee. In case of non-acceptance, the candidate may apply until 15. days to recall to a club membership meeting.
- Associate members have the right to actively participate in the benefits of membership provided by the Club.
- Associate members cannot be elected to club bodies, and they do not have the opportunity to vote and make decisions on important issues.
- Associate members are obliged to abide by the statutes and breed regulations of the club and to actively contribute to the improvement of the breeds of shepherd dogs and the SKŠSP.
- Associate members shall pay annually dues in an amount approved by the annual general meeting or by the membership, the due date, terms and consequences of non-payment being the same as for a full member.
- The membership fee is per calendar year and is payable no later than 28. February of the calendar year concerned.
- After two years of continuous associate membership and fulfillment of the above conditions, upon written application of the associate member, the admission as a full member shall be decided by the membership or annual general meeting of the JCSP.
- The membership or annual general meeting may, in exceptional cases, shorten the period of associate membership, but not for a period of less than one calendar year.
- Full Membership
- As of 1.1.2018, a member of the club who has been a member of the SKŠSP club for two continuous years as of 31.12.2017 becomes a full member of the SKŠSP club.
- After 1 January 2018, only an associate member becomes a full member after two years of continuous associate membership under the following conditions:
- active participation in at least one event organised by the SKŠSP every year
- to observe the statutes and breeding rules of the SKŠSP and to actively contribute to the improvement of the breeds of shepherd dogs and the SKŠSP.
- Full members shall have the right to vote, to vote and to be elected to Club bodies.
- Full members shall pay an annual membership fee in an amount approved by the general meeting or annual general meeting.
- The membership fee is per calendar year and is payable no later than 28 February of the calendar year in question.
- Honorary MembershipTheclub committeemay in exceptional cases grant honorary membership in the club to cynologists who have made a significant contribution to the development, promotion of the breed or for other important reasons. Honorary membership may also be granted to nationals of other States. Honorary members do not pay membership fees, cannot vote or be elected to club bodies, but have other membership rights.
- Membership in the Club shall cease:
- failure to pay the membership fee for the relevant year by 31 March of the relevant calendar year,
- by withdrawal of the member on the basis of a written notice, as of the date of its receipt,
- expulsion of a member for gross violation of the constitution, rules and resolutions of the club or umbrella organizations,
- expulsion of a member for repeated violations of member discipline, the constitution, resolutions and regulations of the club or umbrella organizations,
- death of a member,
- in the event of termination of full membership on the basis of points a), b) if a former full member decides to rejoin the JCSP within one calendar year, the membership meeting shall decide on his/her admission as a full member. In the event that the general meeting does not decide to re-admit the applicant as a full member, or in the event of a period of more than one calendar year from the termination of membership, as well as in the event of the termination of associate membership, the applicant may only become an associate member with a two-year waiting period.
- A person engaged in the commercial breeding and sale of dogs through commercial dog organizations or through dog dealers, as well as the breeding of dogs without pedigree papers, shall not be a member of the club.
- The club member agrees to the processing of personal data in the following scope: name, surname, title, date of birth, address and contact – for internal needs, club administration and documentation of the fulfilment of the fee obligation towards the umbrella organisation (UKK).
- The club member agrees to the publication of the data on the club website, in the exhibition catalogue or in the professional newsletter, respectively. magazine in the following scope: name, surname, title, address and contact, results achieved at competitions and breeding events, photographic material related to the activity for the purposes of promotion, documentary and history recording.
VI. Rights and obligations of members
- Full members of the Club shall have the right to:
- to vote and be elected to the club’s bodies (except for foreign nationals and juvenile members),
- enjoy the benefits of the Club if he/she meets the conditions set out for the granting of such benefits,
- make suggestions, suggestions and complaints to the club authorities,
- participate in all events organized by the club,
- Attend membership meetings and request reports on club activities,
- to be informed of the decisions of the club bodies.
- Asociovaní a čestní členovia klubu majú právo:
- enjoy the benefits of the Club if he/she meets the conditions set out for the granting of such benefits,
- make suggestions, suggestions and complaints to the club authorities,
- participate in all events organized by the club,
- Attend membership meetings and request reports on club activities,
- to be informed of the decisions of the club bodies.
- Club members have responsibilities:
- pay the registration fee and the annual membership fee for the club, as well as other fees approved by the club’s membership meeting,
- to observe the statutes and regulations of the club and valid rules and regulations of UKK, SKJ and FCI,
- comply with the conditions for the inclusion of individuals in the breeding and for the registration of born puppies,
- to fulfil the obligations arising from the resolutions of the Club and UKK bodies or from the function entrusted to him,
- actively participate in club activities and observe club discipline,
- report to the club committee any changes that affect club membership and breeding.
VII. Bodies of the club
The bodies of the club are:
- Membership meeting or annual membership meeting of the club
- Club Committee
- Club Reviewer
- Club membership meeting
- The membership meeting shall be held as required, at least once a year, or at the request of 1/3 of the full members of the club, where the request must include the subject of the request (proposal) and the details of the full members (name, surname and handwritten signature) must be included in the request. It shall be convened by the Club Committee. A membership meeting shall be called by notice on the Club’s website at least 14 days prior to the meeting. The notice together with the agenda shall be sent electronically to all members at least 14 days before the meeting.
- The membership meeting adopts measures to achieve the objectives and fulfill the mission of the club, including the establishment of professional committees, determines the scope and adoption of internal regulations, approves the conditions for inclusion in the breeding and registration of puppies born, discusses and approves the report on the activities of the club for the past period, the management and disbursement of funds of the club, if necessary, may approve new membership fees, decides on appeals against the decision of the club committee, approves the plan of activities and budget for the next year. It shall approve changes to the club committee members as necessary. It shall approve the admission of full, associate and honorary members and decide on expulsion from the club.
- A full member of the Club may exercise his membership rights arising from the Club’s Statutes and other internal regulations of the Club in proceedings before the Club’s bodies only in person.
- A quorum of the Membership Meeting shall be present without a quorum of the minimum number of members present.
- The Membership Meeting shall nominate representatives of the Club to serve on professional committees or on the bodies of umbrella organizations.
- Resolutions of a general meeting shall be valid if approved by an absolute majority of the members present.
- Annual membership meeting of the club
- The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be convened after the expiry of the term of office of the Committee of the Club once every 4 years, or exceptionally at the request of 2/3 of the full members of the Club. The Committee shall call an extraordinary annual general meeting within 90 days of receipt of the request. The application must state the subject of the application (proposal) and must include the details of the full members (name, surname and handwritten signature). The annual general meeting must be called in writing, with the agenda sent at least 14 days before the meeting. It shall be called by the Club Committee and notice shall be sent to all members.
- A member of the Club may exercise his/her membership rights arising from the Club’s Statutes and other internal regulations of the Club in proceedings before the Club’s bodies only in person.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be quorate without a quorum of the minimum number of members present.
- The role of the Annual General Meeting is to:
- the fulfilment of the tasks and mission of the members’ meeting, as appropriate, pursuant to point 1(1)(a). (b) to (f)
- elect a club committee of 7 members for a period of 4 years as a rule
- to elect a club auditor for 4 years
- Club Committee
- The Club Committee shall be the executive body of the Club.
- The Club Committee shall consist of the President, Secretary, Chief Breeding Advisor and four Committee members. The economic agenda will be handled externally and the club’s management is the responsibility of the club committee.
- Only a full member of the Club may be a member of the Committee.
- The Committee shall manage the business of the Club between membership meetings, or the Annual General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting. The role of the club committee is to:
- to carry out the mission of the club,
- to ensure the activities of the club,
- Convene club committee meetings, membership meetings, annual membership meeting,
- recruit and register new members,
- drawing up the activity plan and budget for the year and ensuring that they are implemented,
- propose the amount of membership dues and registration and other club fees for services provided by the club
- to nominate candidates for the position of judges for the exterior of the breeds associated in the club,
- nominate judges for shows,
- suggest changes to the breeding conditions,
- appoint and remove breeding advisors according to the needs of the club
- Represent the club in dealings with higher authorities, other domestic and foreign clubs and organisations,
- roles for individual club officers shall be determined by the club committee.
- The Club Committee shall meet as needed and shall be convened by the Club President. In justified cases, the Chairperson shall convene a “correspondence” meeting of the Committee.
- A quorum shall be present if more than half of the members are present. In the event of a tie, the chairman’s vote shall prevail.
- The Committee shall take minutes of its meetings, which shall be circulated to each member of the Committee and to the Club Reviewer by email.
- The Committee shall be accountable for its activities to the Membership Meeting and the Annual Membership Meeting.
- In the event that the Club President fails to act for any reason, the Committee shall authorize another member of the Committee to perform the act.
- Revízor klubu
- Control and revision activities in the club are provided by the club auditor. The Club Auditor may attend Club Committee meetings with an advisory vote.
- The club auditor checks in particular:
- observance of the club statutes
- implementation of resolutions from membership meetings
- management of the club’s funds
- Club members and the club committee are obliged to provide the club auditor with the necessary cooperation.
- The Club Auditor shall be accountable for his/her activities to the Membership or Annual Membership Meeting of the Club, to which he/she shall submit a report for the year and further report as required by the Club based on the specific situation arising.
VIII. Member discipline
- The Club Committee shall be the first instance disciplinary body and shall have the power to deal with and decide on disciplinary offences committed by members of the Club. Disciplinary offence is a violation of the club statutes, breeding and registration rules.
- The Club Committee may impose a sanction on a Club member for a disciplinary offence:
- conditional exclusion
- permanent exclusion
- a fine of maximum 300 €
- A Club member may appeal the Club Committee’s decision on a disciplinary infraction in writing within 15 days of receiving notice of the Club Committee’s decision. The decision on the appeal shall be made by the club’s general meeting. The appeal shall have suspensive effect.
IX. Club management
The Club shall operate according to the budget for the relevant year approved by the Membership Meeting. Sources of revenue are:
- membership fees, registration fees
- fees for breeding activities
- fees for events organised by the club
- contributions, subsidies, donations and grants
X. Final provision
These statutes are the implementing regulations of the Slovak Swiss Mountain Dog Club, they are aligned with the current statutes of the SKJ and come into force on 1.10.2017 and are effective from 1.10.2017. They may be amended or supplemented by a decision of the club’s general meeting on a proposal from the club committee or a member of the club.
In Chvojnice, on 30.9.2017
Ing. Tibor Križan, President of the club